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Bocchi, E., I. Drago, and M. Mellia, "Personal Cloud Storage Benchmarks and Comparison", Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on, vol. PP, pp. 1-1, 2015.
Bocchi, E., I. Drago, and M. Mellia, "Personal Cloud Storage: Usage, Performance and Impact of Terminals ", 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet 2015), Niagara Falls, Canada, IEEE, 10/2015. PDF icon 1215cloudnet15.pdf (1.14 MB)
Hours, H., E. Biersack, P. Loiseau, A. Finamore, and M. Mellia, "A Study of the Impact of DNS Resolvers on Performance Using a Causal Approach", Internet Teletraffic Congress, Ghent, Belgium, 08/2015.
Rufini, A., E. Tego, F. Matera, and M. Mellia, "Bandwidth Measurements and Capacity Exploitation in Gigabit Passive Optical Networks", Fotonica 2014, 05/2014.
Bocchi, E., M. Mellia, and S. Sarni, "Cloud Storage Service Benchmarking: Methodologies and Experimentations", 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet 2014), Luxembourg, IEEE, 10/2014. PDF icon 967federatedstorage.pdf (730.34 KB)
Naylor, D., A. Finamore, I. Leontiadis, Y. Grunenberger, M. Mellia, K. Papagiannaki, and P. Steenkiste, "The Cost of the “S” in HTTPS", ACM Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), 12/2014. PDF icon 968paper.pdf (4.85 MB)PDF icon Poster of the paper (1.84 MB)
Manferdini, U., S. Traverso, M. Mellia, E. Tego, F. Matera, Z. Ben Houidi, M. Milanesio, P. Michiardi, D. Rossi, D. Cicalese, et al., Cross-check of Analysis Modules and Reasoner Interactions, no. D4.3, 10/2014.
Casas, P., A. D'Alconzo, M. Dusi, S. Nikitaki, M. Ahmed, S. Traverso, M. Mellia, D. Apiletti, L. Grimaudo, E. Baralis, et al., Design of the Reasoner, no. D4.2, 06/2014. PDF icon 1051mplane-d42-public.pdf (24.28 MB)
Bermudez, I., S. Traverso, M. Mellia, and M. Munafo', "A Distributed Architecture for the Monitoring of Clouds and CDNs: Applications to Amazon AWS", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. In press, 2014. PDF icon Paper (5.22 MB)
Traverso, S., E. Tego, E. Kowallik, S. Raffaglio, A. Fregosi, M. Mellia, and F. Matera, "Exploiting Hybrid Measurements for Network Troubleshooting", IEEE Networks, Funchal, PT, IEEE, 09/2014. PDF icon 962networkscr.pdf (3.3 MB)
Ben-Houidi, Z., G. Scavo, S. Ghamri-Doudane, A. Finamore, S. Traverso, and M. Mellia, "Gold mining in a River of Internet Content Traffic", 6th International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, TMA, London, Springer, 04/2014.
Bär, A., A. Finamore, P. Casas, L. Golab, and M. Mellia, "Large-Scale Network Traffic Monitoring with DBStream, a System for Rolling Big Data Analysis", International Conference on Big Data, IEEE BigData, Washington D.C., USA, IEEE, 11/2014.
Trammell, B., P. Casas, D. Rossi, A. Bär, Z. Ben-Houidi, I. Leontiadis, T. Szemethy, and M. Mellia, "mPlane: an Intelligent Measurement Plane for the Internet", IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Monitoring and Troubleshooting Multi-domain Networks using Measurement Federations, vol. 42, issue 5, 05/2014. PDF icon 756mplanerevised.pdf (2 MB)
Rufini, A., M. Mellia, E. Tego, and F. Matera, "Multilevel Bandwidth Measurements and Capacity Exploitation in Gigabit Passive Optical Networks", IET Communications, vol. 8, issue 18, pp. 8, 11/2014.
Colabrese, S., D. Rossi, and M. Mellia, "Scalable accurate consolidation of passively measured statistical data", Passive and Active Measurement (PAM), Extended Abstract, Los Angeles, USA, March, 2014. PDF icon 809rossi14pam.pdf (226.61 KB)
Grimaudo, L., M. Mellia, E. Baralis, and R. Keralapura, "SeLeCT: Self-Learning Classifier for Internet Traffic", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 11, issue 2, 06/2014. PDF icon SeLeCT paper (1000.53 KB)
Casas, P., P. Fiadino, A. Bär, A. D'Alconzo, A. Finamore, and M. Mellia, "YouTube All Around: Characterizing YouTube from Mobile and Fixed-line Network Vantage Points", EuCNC, Bologna, IT, 06/2014. PDF icon 925youtubeeucnc14.pdf (1.88 MB)
Drago, I., E. Bocchi, M. Mellia, H. Slatman, and A. Pras, "Benchmarking Personal Cloud Storage", Internet Measurement Conference - IMC, Barcelona (ES), ACM, 10/2013. PDF icon PDF of the paper (256.11 KB)
Bermudez, I N., S. Traverso, M. Mellia, and M. M. Munafo', "Exploring the Cloud from Passive Measurements: the Amazon AWS case", The 32nd Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM'2013), Turin, Italy, 2013. PDF icon 303amazonfw.pdf (151.69 KB)
Capello, A., F. Invernizzi, O. Jabr, D. Papadimitriou, D. Rossi, YX. Gong, B. Trammell, M. Milanesio, E. Biersack, R. Winter, et al., First Data Collection Track Record, no. D5.1, Torino, mPlane Consortium, 11/2013.
Trammell, B., A. Finamore, and M. Mellia, "A Measurement-Centered Approach to Latency Reduction", ISOC Workshop on Reducing Internet Latency, London, England, 09/2013. PDF icon 517reducinglatency.pdf (170.43 KB)
Trammell, B., M. Mellia, A. Finamore, S. Traverso, T. Szemethy, B. Szabo, D. Rossi, B. Donnet, F. Invernizzi, and D. Papadimitriou, mPlane Architecture Specification, no. D1.3, Torino, mPlane Consortium, 11/2013. PDF icon 702mplane-d13.pdf (715 KB)
Papadimitriou, D., D. Rossi, YX. Gong, B. Trammell, M. Milanesio, E. Biersack, R. Winter, F. Matera, M. Dusi, B. Szabo, et al., Selection of Existing Probes and Datasets, no. D2.1, Torino, mPlane Consortium, 08/2013. PDF icon 720main-d21.pdf (2.35 MB)
Grimaudo, L., M. Mellia, E. Baralis, and R. Keralapura, "Self-Learning Classifier for Internet Traffic", The 5th IEEE International Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop (TMA 2013), 2013. PDF icon SelectPaper (258.84 KB)
Bermudez, I N., M. Mellia, M. M. Munafo', R. Keralapura, and A. Nucci, "DNS to the rescue: Discerning Content and Services in a Tangled Web", Internet Measurement Conference 2012, ACM, vol. 1, Boston, MA, ACM, pp. 413-426, 11/2012. PDF icon Final paper (1.06 MB)
Drago, I., M. Mellia, M. M. Munafo', A. Sperotto, R. Sadre, and A. Pras, "Inside Dropbox: Understanding Personal Cloud Storage Services", Internet Measurement Conference - IMC, Boston, MA, ACM, 11/2012. PDF icon Final paper (3.26 MB)
Finamore, A., V. Gehlen, M. Mellia, and M. M. Munafo', "The need for an intelligent measurement plane: The example of time-variant CDN policies", Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (NETWORKS), 2012 XVth International , pp. 1 - 6 , 10/2012. PDF icon 316finamore-networks12.ieeexplore.pdf (240.05 KB)